Tuesday, July 10, 2007


it is in giving that we receive...

You can witness in the pictures the happiness and joy that was shared during the reunion. Almost fifty persons joined the parade and afterwards the simple lunch at Baluarte. Then came the drinking... singing... and dancing spree. A very memorable experience indeed! Recalling the past... renewing friendship... capturing the youth that we almost disregard in our new found lives and concerns. However, amidst this exhilarating event was life's reality that when we go back to our own homes and families we will find out that what happened was just a breather.. a respite from our daily lives. In our younger days this kind of event was a reason enough to look forward to such another event in the future... and it ends there.... But, hey, that was in our younger days. Now we are all in our forties (some may claim to be younger)... he he he. We view life now a little bit differently. Maybe it was during the prayer before meals that was a few seconds longer than the meal itself that God decided to put some spice on the reunion. By the way, it was Eden who led the prayer which is a story in itself. Many wondered if Eden is really married or a nun. ( I was wondering too!)

Anyway, since it was Eden who led that prayer. It was to her that God sprinkled that "spice of inspiration". Amidst the laughter, the dancing and the singing were life stories. Well, Eden ( I think she was a nun in her past life if you believe in reincarnation) listened a little bit seriously to these. Although as you can see in the pictures she really danced and went to the "baraylehan" again during the night. Eden saw the reality then that not all of us have become successful in life. Thus, it gave birth to a realization that the reunion should be a new beginning and should not simply end that day. Eden started a small project that will give a lasting gift to our batchmates who have less in life. Many have become enthusiastic about it and, in fact, some have started to send in their support. Well, this is some sort of an advertisement for the PROJECT. I will not tell those stories nor the details of the project. I will just let Eden tell you everything.

***image from flicker***

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